Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ch3m1stry Un1t C0nt3st! (chemistry unit contest)

Chemistry Unit Contest

Okay, here is another contest for you...

Find chemicals in your own home, and identify elements within various chemicals. Example: Sodium Chloride (salt): Sodium and Chlorine are elements.

Similar to the previous contest, once an element has been named, you cannot use it again for points. Example: Sodium Chloride (2 points, 1 for each element), if someone else names Sodium Fluoride, they only get 1 point, as Sodium has already been named. Fluorine would get them that point.

Post each chemical name with individual elements listed. Each post should be a comment added to this post.

Again, there may be a prize at the end of the unit, so keep posting.

Ideas: check out your kitchen pantry, check out your bathroom, check out your laundry room.

Have fun!

Mr. C.