Saturday, June 19, 2010

Converting Miliamps to amps?

What was the formula? Or is there even one?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

video about elements

Planet Project

Is there a set amount points you have to have?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010



What was the page for the review games?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Prince Rupert Secondary School – Science Fair 2010

PART 4: Science Fair Observations/Analysis/Conclusion
Name(s)________________________________Grade _________ Period ________

Experiments / Surveys:
OBSERVATIONS: What did you see/experience? (tables, pictures, charts etc)
ANALYSIS: What does it mean?
CONCLUSION: Prove/disprove your hypothesis? What did you learn?

OBSERVATIONS: Showcase your model
ANALYSIS: What was hard/easy about building/researching your model?
CONCLUSION: Prove/disprove your hypothesis? What did you learn?

Research Project/Paper:
OBSERVATIONS: Representation of your research (tables, information, facts etc)
ANALYSIS: Showcase what you learned from research (compare/contrast tables, facts, information etc)
CONCLUSION: Prove/disprove your hypothesis? What did you learn?

For all projects, attach a brief summary of your observations to this page
(minimum: 1 paragraph)

For all projects, attach a summary of your analysis to this page
(minimum: 1 paragraph)

For all projects, attach your conclusion to this page.


Prince Rupert Secondary School – Science Fair 2010

PART 3: Science Fair Procedure and Materials list
Name(s)________________________________Grade _________ Period ________

Experiments / Surveys:
MATERIALS: What do you need to conduct your experiment/survey?
PROCEDURE: How are you going to conduct your experiment/survey?

MATERIALS: What are you going to need to build your model?
PROCEDURE: How are you going to build it / represent it?

Research Project/Paper:
MATERIALS: What sort of research is available (list of websites, journals, books etc.)
PROCEDURE: How are you going to sort through and organize your research?


PROCEDURE: (use back side of page if needed)











Prince Rupert Secondary School – Science Fair 2010

PART 2: Science Fair Hypothesis (Use the back of the page if you need more room.)

Name(s)________________________________Grade _________ Period ________

Experiments / Surveys: (fill in 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d if you are doing one of these two options)

1a: Question:

1b: Independant Variable (what will you be manipulating or changing?)

1c: Dependant Variable (what will you be measuring and recording?)

1d: Control Variable (what will stay the same?)

Research Paper / Models: (fill in 2a if you are doing one of these two options)

2a: From my research, I determined that:

My hypothesis: (fill in if you are doing any of the 4 options)



Science Fair Examples

Some of you have asked what the board layout should look like. The handout I gave you is a sample. Here is a picture of an ideal layout. It is by no means the ONLY possible layout. It just gives you an idea of what it may look like.